BILL xxx (structure types)
Symbolic Value : Billing
BILL_xxx (structure types) - Billing Record Structure Types
#include <billing.h>
Symbolic Values :
BILL_SESSIONREC - Session record structure type
BILL_REPLREC - Replication record structure type
BILL_DOCCHARGE - Document Charge record structure type
BILL_MAILREC - Mail record structure type
BILL_DBREC - Database record structure type
BILL_AGENTREC - Agent record structure type
BILL_HTTPREQREC - Http request record structure type
Description :
These constants provide values for the available Billing record structure types. The Lotus Domino Server assigns these values to the StructType field of the BILLMSG billing message record. Custom structure type constants, used by the BillingWrite() function, must be assigned values between the range of 32001 and 65535.
See Also : BILLMSG